Miniature (Min) / Climbing Miniature (Cl Min Fl)

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Miniature roses, also known as patio roses or micro-miniatures, are a group of roses that produce small blooms on compact, bushy plants. These roses are typically less than 18 inches tall and are often grown in containers, as well as in garden beds and borders.

Miniature roses come in a wide range of colors and flower shapes, including single and double blooms, and are often highly fragrant. Some popular varieties of miniature roses include ‘Cinderella’, which produces small, pale pink blooms, and ‘Irresistible’, which has bright red flowers.

Miniature roses were first developed in the early 20th century, with the goal of creating smaller, more manageable roses that could be grown in smaller spaces. One of the pioneers of miniature rose breeding was Ralph S. Moore, who is often referred to as the “father of miniature roses.” Moore developed many of the first miniature rose varieties, including ‘Climbing Golden Gate’ and ‘Rise ‘n’ Shine’. He was also the founder of Sequoia Nursery, which became known for its miniature rose breeding program.

In the 1950s, miniature roses became a popular subject for hybridizers and breeders, who created many new varieties and introduced them to the market. One of the most successful hybridizers of miniature roses was Dr. Keith W. Zary, who developed many award-winning varieties, including ‘Scentimental’, which won the All-America Rose Selections award in 1997.

Today, miniature roses remain a popular choice for gardeners looking for small, low-maintenance roses that can add color and fragrance to any space. They are often used in container gardens, as well as in rock gardens and along garden paths. With their small size and wide range of colors and flower shapes, miniature roses are a delightful addition to any garden.


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