
Home / Species (Sp) / Hulthermia

Hulthemia persica, also known as the Persian or Hulthemia rose, is a species of wild rose that is native to Iran and the surrounding regions. It is a member of the Rosaceae family, and is known for its unique characteristics, including a distinctive dark red blotch in the center of its single-petaled flowers. The flowers are typically yellow, pink, or white, and bloom in the spring and summer.

Hulthemia persica is an important ancestor of many modern garden roses, particularly those in the Hybrid Tea and Floribunda classes. It was first introduced to Europe in the late 19th century, and since then, several cultivars have been developed from it.

One popular variety of Hulthemia persica is ‘Eyeconic Lemonade’, which has pale yellow flowers with a dark red blotch in the center. Another popular variety is ‘Pink Parfait’, which has pink flowers with a dark red blotch. Hulthemia persica roses are also valued for their disease resistance and tolerance to hot and dry conditions.

While not as well-known as other types of roses, Hulthemia persica is an important species in the evolution of modern roses, and continues to be an important source of genetic material for rose breeding.


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